Founder and Head Esthetician of Wax Me Pretty

    Welcome to Wax Me Pretty! My name is Jennifer and I would love to share a bit about myself! I became a Licensed Esthetician in 2011 at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. I fell in love with waxing shortly after and thus Wax Me Pretty was born! I opened up my doors in 2015 with the goal of providing the best possible waxing experience. I truly believe in the art of waxing and I am beyond excited to share my knowledge and love for waxing with you. I am also a mom of two and a wife to an amazing supportive hunk of a man! My family is my number one priority but don’t worry, my clients are a very close second

        My first bikini wax was when I was 14 years old. I was a junior lifeguard in Newport Beach and one day, I crisscrossed my legs and looked down to see that my lady hairs were no longer neatly tucked in my bikini. I told my mom all about it and after hours of begging, she refused to let me shave. The next day, I was lying on a massage table getting my first of many Bikini waxes. Since then, I have seen double dipping, unsanitary beds, doors swung open in the middle of my wax and so much more. Those incidents typically just made for funny stories and new salons. It wasn't until I started working in the industry when I realized that I wanted to change all of that.

        Wax Me Pretty uses a high quality Italian soft wax designed for sensitive skin. The Brazilian is done in just 7-8 minutes with the entire appointment lasting 15 minutes from start tp pay. Prepping the skin and using my specific technique allows for quick and painless waxing. You will never see us double dipping or re-using any product. My promise is to make every client feel as comfortable and beautiful as possible.

